Search Results for: buildings
The Family Guide to Bug Bites
Bug bites have been a persistent souvenir of outdoor activities throughout human history, and today, these pesky critters continue to trouble our families. It’s an all-too-familiar scene—your kids return from outdoor play, already scratching at fresh bug bites acquired in the backyard. To effectively deal with these nuisances, it’s essential to understand the distinct preferences and behaviors of common pests that leave us with itchy welts.
In this article, we’ll explore three of the most prevalent bloodsucking pests before delving into effective strategies to safeguard your family and home from these persistent invaders.
To Keep Pedaling
To Keep Pedaling It was a Tuesday. I had been married about a month and a half. I got up early to ride my stationary bike before work. My husband was getting ready to go to his office. He got a call from a friend. “Hey, you should probably turn on your TV. There’s…
Halloween Tricks (for Parents)
As we head into Halloween, I want to offer a few cautions based on 18 Halloweens as a parent. First: Feed your kids dinner BEFORE they go Trick or Treating. This took me five years to learn. Children will not eat peas and chicken after 20 Reese’s peanut butter cups. Second: Please do not limit…
Help Care For Animals Injured By Fire
Last week the Butte Fire in Amador and Calaveras counties ravaged my hometown communities. Calaveras took the biggest beating, with many of the 75,000 acres burned and 545 residences/356 outbuildings lost, in that county. County lines have all but diminished however, with families and local businesses from both pulling together to help those impacted by…
Talking to Your Children About 9/11
Today marks the anniversary of September 11th. The media will be saturated with stories, images and news as we remember this tragic day. I still remember my then 2-year-old daughter playing with toys in the next room while I watched the towers collapse on the news. I was frightened for New York, the United States and of course, my child.