15 mins read

ModernMom’s Guidelines for Our Valued Content Contributors

At Modern Mom, our core values revolve around leaving a positive impact on the world, treating others as we'd like to be treated, and serving as role models for our children, nurturing the next generation to become exceptional individuals. We welcome you as part of our valued and vibrant community of thoughtful, brilliant content creators.…

4 mins read

When Sports Parents Go Too Far…

It has finally come to this: a parent has sued a sports coach for not playing his child more frequently.Perhaps this will go down in American parenting history as definitive proof that we have all totally lost our minds.I am surprised this didnt happen earlier, actually. And that the lawsuit originated in Texas, not New York City, where parents pay professionals to coach their children for kindergarten interviews, or my hometown of …

13 mins read

March Astrology

Dear everyone, here comes March and what do we have? The Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune, Chiron, all swimming in the emotional waterworld of the ocean god. This is just how last month ended, with Mercury and Saturn retrograde, causing us to look backwards and review and re-investigate various details and make some changes.