4 mins read

Do You Assume Your Child’s Camp is Safe?

Do you assume your childs camp is safe? Summer is approaching and suddenly your children will be in a new routine. Whether you are sending them to camp, day or overnight there are some very important questions that need to be asked before you send your children out the door.

6 mins read

Sleep Training: The Myths and Facts

Sleep training is a hotly debated topic. Advocates and opponents have set up camps on two opposing sides of the sleep training divide with seemingly no middle ground. Proponents of sleep training argue that it does not harm the child and has benefits for the child and family. Opponents say that “cry-it-out” techniques are cruel…

6 mins read

Should Your Kids Tell You When They Start Having Sex?

When you first had sex, did you tell your parents? Either parent? BOTH of them? In my case, being a 70s child, I never discussed sexuality (my own or others) with my mother or father. After I had three kids in my 30s, I assume they figured out I knew what to do between the sheets. But the subject continued to be an unexplored, lets say completely closed, family topic.

6 mins read

How to Field Your Kids’ Questions About Divorce

Most children feel shocked and confused when their parents tell them that they will be getting a divorce. Children of all ages will likely have many questions after the initial announcement. Here are some common questions and how to answer them in a loving, reassuring, and honest way. Remember, even if you told your children…