5 mins read

10 Nutty Characters Found at Every Thanksgiving Table

Thankful blessings, the delicious aroma of roasted turkey wafting through the house, the whole family seated around the dining room table enjoying a homemade feast; these are the ways I look fondly upon Thanksgiving.  The Martha Stewart in me believes this is a reality that I can accomplish each holiday season.  After hosting and cooking…

4 mins read

Knocked Up: When TV Characters Get Pregnant…

When an actress gets pregnant – what happens to her character? Television shows have come up with all kinds of creative ways to deal with the problem of a main character’s obviously expanding waistline. Some use baggy clothes and shooting angles to cover it up, others write in a storyline about weight gain and many take a more direct route and decide to write pregnancy into the plot. It’s a classic case of art imitating life. Here are some of our favorite actresses whose pregnancies were intertwined with their characters on-screen lives.

5 mins read

TV Characters are Getting Into Politics

In the recent documentary Miss Representation — which criticized American culture and the media for its negative impact on women and girls — child advocate Marian Wright Edelman lamented the scarcity of American women politicians saying that, “You can’t be what you can’t see.”

3 mins read

Characteristics of Developmentally Delayed Children

While most children develop along a chartable path, some have delays in their development and lag behind their peers. These developmentally challenged children are referred to as having a developmental delay. Children with developmental delays often require extra attention as they grow to ensure that they reach their full potential.

4 mins read

First Trailer for A Minecraft Movie Drops: Jack Black’s Steve and Jason Momoa Take the Lead in Blocky Adventure

The highly anticipated Minecraft Movie has just unveiled its debut trailer, offering fans the first glimpse into the live-action adaptation of one of the world’s most beloved video games. Directed by Napoleon Dynamite and Nacho Libre filmmaker Jared Hess, the film is set to bring the pixelated, block-filled world of Minecraft to life on the big screen.