7 mins read

What Your Child’s College Doesn’t Want You To Know

I was 18, a college freshman thrilled about living on my own. I was also secretly petrified without my parents protection and rules. As part of learning how to take care of myself, I attended a campus safety orientation for freshman women.The goal was to empower us to avoid being victims of sexual assault while at college. We were issued a rape whistle on a red neck lanyard. We were told to memorize all …

3 mins read

Problems From Losing Baby Teeth

Baby teeth don’t remain in your child’s mouth forever. These temporary placeholders, which first begin to erupt around the first half-year of your child’s life and start falling out around the age of 6 years, require diligent care. Problems result when your child loses baby teeth too early — and some of these complications can be serious.

2 mins read

The Order In Which Baby Teeth Appear

Even though baby teeth aren’t permanent fixtures in your child’s mouth, they serve many functions. Baby teeth give her face structure and enable the jaws to process food, helping her take in adequate nutrition and learn how to pronounce words. Baby teeth appear in a specific order in your child’s mouth, usually before the tenth month of life.

2 mins read

How to Get My Child to Quit Swearing

Years ago, washing your child’s mouth out with soap for swearing was a common punishment. While in theory cleaning your child’s mouth out with soap should send him the message that swearing is dirty or bad, in reality by putting soap into his mouth you are reinforcing the unacceptable behavior with another negative behavior. Fortunately, if your child has a problem with swearing, there are more positive and less invasive ways you can effectively nip it in the bud.