Search Results for: chronic periods
Getting unstuck from chronic stress
At some level or point in all our lives we have all gone thru or experienced some form of stress. Stress often manifests from an emotional, financial, mental or physical place.
Exploring the Different Components of a Comprehensive Pediatric Exam
Every parent wants the best for their child, and a key aspect of ensuring their well-being involves regular visits to the pediatrician. Yet, while many parents attend these appointments dutifully, some might not fully understand the purpose or scope of a comprehensive pediatric exam. This guide explores the different components evaluated during an annual pediatric…
The Link Between Endometriosis And Infertility
My need for support and companionship during my struggle with infertility and endometriosis led me to join the online patient community and through my involvement in this community, I have met the strongest, most inspiring women.Some of them have since become my closest friends and confidants. A good many of them started struggling with infertility in their 20s. Years passed as they tried many treatments and suffered miscarriages. Some of them did receive …
March Is Endometriosis Awareness Month
Bust out your yellow because Endometriosis Awareness Month has arrived!Endometriosis is a painful disease that impacts 1 out of every 10 women, yet it takes an average of ten long years to diagnose. This is because not only is there not enough awareness in the general population regarding this disease, but a general lack of awareness on the part of the medical community as well.Symptoms of the disease almost always include painful periods …
4 Reasons New Moms Need Physical Therapy
Pregnancy and childbirth exact an enormous toll on a womans body. It is transforming and beautiful, but when a mother does not get the physical and emotional support she needs, the effects can be devastating.