Search Results for: cigarettes
Pink: I Miss the Whiskey, Not the Cigarettes
Former party girl Pink says that while she misses a lot of things from her bad girl days – cigarettes aren’t one of them!
Cigarettes, Booze and Kids
Two Sundays ago, I picked up my nine-year-old daughter from a girly girl sleepover birthday party at her friend Jo-Jos, five minutes from our house. In addition to her rumpled pink sleeping bag, my daughter left the hosts front door carrying a purple balloon and a goodie bag filled with unicorn stickers. Before we got home, her eyes welled with tears.
How Does Cigarette Smoke Affect Growth?
Smoking will stunt your growth. It’s a warning that has passed from generations of parents to children. But does science support the claim? In fact, researchers have found that smoking can affect growth throughout a person’s life, sometimes in ways that may surprise you. But it should be no surprise that smoking poses the greatest threat to the development of children and unborn babies.
Gone too far? The crazy (and sometimes unhealthy) things celebrities do to lose weight and get in shape
Numerous celebrities will admit to the pressure of maintaining seemingly trim figures. After the world saw Oprah shrink, expand, shrink, expand, and then finally say, "I'm never dieting again," we had front row seats for what it must be like to feel constantly judged for your appearance. For various reasons, here are some of the…
Side Effects of Starting Birth Control
Women have several options when choosing birth control, including hormonal birth control methods such as the pill, the patch, injections, vaginal ring, and an intrauterine device (IUD). Other popular types of birth control include barrier methods, such as a condom. Barrier methods may cause some women mild vaginal irritation, but there are usually cause few side effects. Women are much more likely to have side effects when starting hormonal birth control methods.