Search Results for: clinical evidence
21 Days To Quit Sucking (Thumbs)
It takes 21 days to break an old habit, or form a new one.
Body Cleanse Rapid Weight Loss
Some companies claim that the real reason that you are not losing weight is that you have so many toxins built up in your body. While it’s true that we are bombarded with toxins every day–in the air we breathe and on the foods we eat–you are probably not losing weight because your calories in/calories out ratio is unbalanced.
Home Remedy to Get Rid of Genital Warts
Having genital warts is an embarrassing situation, and you may not want to discuss it with your doctor. After all, the condition is viral, so he may not be able to prescribe any medication to help your problem. Most genital warts will eventually go away on their own, but you may want to help things along with natural remedies.
Weight Loss Products With Hoodia
It’s almost impossible not to be a little curious about hoodia. There are a baffling and extensive choice of nonprescription weight loss aids on the market, but manufacturers have gone out of their way to promote Hoodia gordonii as the holy grail of natural appetite suppressants. The truth about hoodia weight loss products is far less enthralling than marketing claims, however. There’s been scant research conducted on how hoodia actually works in the human body. Furthermore, many hoodia products aren’t likely to contain real hoodia gordonii.
Which Diet Pills Work Best?
Nonprescription diet pills certainly aren’t lacking when it comes to allure. Slick advertising techniques and impressive packaging are designed to have you believe that somewhere on the shelves of your local drug store a magic bullet exists for weight loss. The truth about most over-the-counter diet pills isn’t too impressive, medical experts at the Mayo Clinic say. Many diet pills don’t have the science behind them to back up marketing claims–and some may be downright dangerous.