5 mins read

Different Futures? Or Just Fear of Change?

My boyfriend and I have been together for about 14 months now. We’ve felt incredibly compatible since day one, and always had a lot in common. Our relationship has certainly had its rough spots, rather large ones at times, but we’ve both always been very determined to work through them and get beyond them. We love each other very much, and we know that what we have is worth fighting for.

3 mins read

Treatment of Hemorrhoids in Pregnancy

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins, which are enlarged blood vessels, of the rectum. Pregnancy aggravates the problem of enlarged blood vessels due to blood volume expansion and the hormones that increase relaxation of the muscles. In late pregnancy, the weight of the uterus and the baby worsen hemorrhoids by increasing the pressure on the blood vessels. Hemorrhoids can either bulge out of the anus or stay inside the anal opening. You may not be able to get rid of hemorrhoids during pregnancy, but you can decrease their discomfort using a variety of techniques.

2 mins read

Fetal Development 25th Week of Pregnancy

The 25th week of pregnancy is considered the sixth month and is part of the second trimester. By this week of pregnancy, the mother is well-adjusted to her new body and the baby continues to grow rapidly as it matures for delivery. If the baby was delivered this week, it would have a chance at survival; therefore, the 25th week is known as the viable week of life.