Search Results for: common type
Common Winter Allergies
The common cold often strikes in winter. Before you reach for the cold medicine, you might want to consider whether your runny nose, scratchy throat and watery eyes might be symptoms of winter allergies. While spring and fall months often bring an increase in allergy symptoms for people with pollen allergies, symptoms may be worse during the winter for those with other allergies.
The Types of Fever in Children
Fevers in children can be frightening for their parents. In fact, the leading cause of emergency room visits for children is a fever, according to eMedicinehealth. In most cases, fevers caused by a minor infection, but some types of fevers in children are more serious and can be a cause for concern.
Unique Father’s Day Gift Options For Every Type of Dad
Another year has passed and it’s once again time to think about what to buy that man in your life for Father’s Day. With so many types of men, it could be difficult to figure out what to get your type. And so, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a thorough list of unique gift options…
10 Parent Types You’ll Find at Every Kids’ Sports Game
As the mom of two athletic teenagers (and a former competitive swimmer myself), I’ve been to a lot of kid sports games. Baseball. Soccer. Basketball. Swimming. Water Polo. And although the sports activity and venue may differ, I’ve come to realize there is the same set of parent “types” sitting in the stands at every…
Types of Over-the-Counter Birth Control
If you have not made it to the doctor yet, or simply prefer to avoid the doctor, there are some contraceptive choices available over-the-counter (OTC) at your local drugstore, grocery store or discount store. OTC birth control is affordable, accessible and effective, if it is used correctly. Both barrier methods and chemical contraceptive options are easily purchased without a prescription.