4 mins read

How to Talk to Kids About ADHD

ADHD is a behavioral disorder that is continually growing in prevalence, reports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, stating that, as of 2009, between 3 and 7 percent of all school age children reportedly suffer from some form of this disorder. If you child is an ADHD suffer, consider ways in which you can speak with him about his behavioral challenges. By approaching ADHD-related conversations carefully, you can help your child both gain a better understanding of the challenges he faces and work to overcome these not insurmountable behavioral difficulties.

2 mins read

Menopause & Pregnancy Symptoms

Some expectant moms may initially mistake their pregnancy symptoms for those associated with impending menopause, according to the Option Line website. While many moms over 35 have healthy babies, prenatal care is especially important due to older pregnant women’s markedly increased risks of pregnancy complications, according to the Mayo Clinic. Learning more about the commonalities between pregnancy and menopause symptoms may help you evaluate whether pregnancy is a possibility in your life at this time, rather than menopause.