3 mins read

Common Baby Allergies

Hundreds of things you come into contact with every day may trigger allergies — tree pollen, dust, mold, insect droppings and even the contents of your refrigerator. Allergies can develop at any stage of life, but food allergies are more common in infants and children than they are in adults, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.

2 mins read

Pneumonia Symptoms

Pneumonia is a lung condition that can range in seriousness from mild to life threatening. Older individuals and patients with impaired immune systems or chronic illness are often at higher risk for developing serious complications from pneumonia. Recognize the common symptoms of pneumonia and contact your doctor for a correct diagnosis of your condition.

3 mins read

Recipes for Barbecue Chicken

Although barbecue has been an integral part of southern cuisine for hundreds of years, it is by no means an American creation. Many countries around the world have their own style of barbecue that bears little resemblance to the traditional barbecue that takes place in our backyards. The increasingly health-conscious American public often replaces ribs and brisket with chicken to satisfy that barbecue craving, and looks to recipes from around the world.

3 mins read

ADD & ADHD Treatments

ADHD stands for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Before 1994, this same condition was referred to as ADD, or attention deficit disorder. ADHD is the more commonly used term since the name change. However, doctors still use the term ADD when referring to a condition that does not involve hyperactivity. Both conditions involve your child’s not being able to sit still and pay attention, acting impulsively and sometimes getting into trouble.

3 mins read

Seizure Disorders in Children

Children who have experienced at least two seizures in their lifetime may be diagnosed with a seizure disorder, also commonly known as epilepsy. When a child has a seizure, changes in the electric activity of his brain can cause him to convulse, pass out or simply stare into space. A seizure disorder can be a frightening thing for a child to have, but with treatment and support, many children go on to live a seizure-free life.