Search Results for: complementary
Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide
The holidays are here, and so is the joy (and sometimes the stress!) of finding the perfect gifts for everyone on your list. At Modern Mom, we’ve curated the Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide to make your shopping easier and more fun.
Probiotics and Prebiotics for Kids: What’s the Difference?
Healthy germs are all the buzz these days. What are they? And how do we incorporate them into a kid’s diet? First, let’s start with the cringeworthy fact that we host trillions of microbes in and on our bodies. Most of these reside in our gut and are actually quite beneficial for maintaining a healthy body.…
Pregnancy and Fertility Drugs
Fertility drugs can increase your odds of getting pregnant. Use of these oral or injectable medications may be beneficial when you have an ovulation disorder. However, and the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, or ACOG, both indicate that sometimes fertility drugs may require complementary therapies to yield success.
Tips for Avoiding School Picture Day Disasters
School picture day is close at hand, just in time to get good pictures of the kids to give out to relatives at Christmas. Like many people, I have been a victim of terrible school pictures Im talking about the images that would have been made into Internet memes if the Internet had been around back then (okay, the Internet was around, but no one knew how to use it).
How to Create a Stunning Photo or Artwork Wall
The gallery wall is one of the most creative and fun home design elements of 2016 that’s carried into 2017. Basically, this design feature is an aesthetically pleasing assembly of photos and artwork that takes up a large portion of your wall, usually in a hallway or in the main living area. It’s a great…