5 mins read

Back To School Must-Haves 2019

It’s almost that time - Back To School! Parents are rejoicing while kids are not. But most agree that BTS shopping is always fun. We found some items we thought could help with the multitude of choices out there! Kids need to bring laptops to school more and more these days and they are expensive!…

2 mins read

Beauty Must-Haves For Winter

Winter is here and with the colder weather comes different beauty needs. We found some aids that'll help hide wrinkles, remove unwanted hair, help with clearer skin and more. Nobody likes to talk about it but sometimes during pregnancy and also as we get older, pesky little hairs may pop up on our face. But…

3 mins read

Back Acne During Pregnancy

By the time you’re a few months into your pregnancy, you’ll know whether you’re one of the lucky few who have the legendary pregnancy glow or whether you’ll spend the next six months battling acne, like you did back in high school. If you’re plagued with pregnancy breakouts on your back and shoulders, they’ll most likely disappear a few months after your baby’s birth, but a few basic steps will help you avoid unsightly spots.

3 mins read

Sexual Desire During Pregnancy

Myths about sexual activity during pregnancy abound, but the idea that sex will harm the baby or the mother, or that the baby somehow “knows” mommy and daddy are having sex, are simply false. Unless there are complications such as a history of miscarriage or leaking amniotic fluid that may prompt your health care provider to advise against it, sexual activity during pregnancy is normal, natural and healthy. Whether you desire sex while you are pregnant is a different matter altogether.

5 mins read

Pregnancy and Your Skin

For about 15 + years I have religiously been going to see Dayle Breault, the famous Goddess of Skin for my facials. (I say facials, but its so much more then just that.) Her treatments are a whole facial experience like nothing you have ever had before!!!