Search Results for: confessions
Coffee Confessions: Go Ahead And Spill :)
Because we've all been there... Share your best "Coffee Confession" in the comments section below - no judgement, we promise :)
Mom Confessions: The Real Reason I Clean My Own House
Who has time to clean their house? (Crickets.) Does anyone clean their own home anymore? (Bigger and more obnoxiously-loud crickets now, at least with a lot of my busy friends.) Looks like I’m the only sucker.
Mom Confessions: Why I Avoid Reading
I recently had the opportunity to read a book. As a busy, working mom of six, it was a rare occasion. We were at the cottage for a week and my kid had been nagging me to read her favorite novel, The Hunger Games. Surprisingly, I got really into it and had a hard time putting it down.
Confessions of a Non-Barbie Girl Living in a Barbie World
Im a little concerned about my daughters extreme love for Barbie.I know what youre thinking: this topic has been talked to death. That may be true but it hasnt been talked to death by me and well, I have a column due, people.
Confessions of a Guilty Mom
I’m starting to get guilty. Guilty that I haven’t made a Christmas cake yet. Guilty I may not be entirely on top of my Christmas shopping and it’s 11 days out. Guilty I have’t worked out the Christmas menu. I even had a dream last night about searching downtown for a favorite brand of Christmas cake- and failed. This mummy guilt is all pervasive isn’t it.