Search Results for: connected blog
Simple Tips on How to Have a Positive Relationship with Your Teen
In past blogs, I have shared several excerpts from my memoir, Digesting Life. The story of my struggle and recovery from an eating disorder is the basis for what led me to create the KARMA Method, a coaching and therapeutic method. My hope is that maybe some of these stories will resonate with you or…
What Causes Autism?
Here’s the way I see it (plus some information on a recent study on genes). Let’s approach the question differently. What does NOT cause autism? I have long held the belief that the MMR vaccine did NOT cause my son’s autism. I believe there are over 200 studies that debunk the idea that the MMR…
Autism and the 2020 Election
Autism and the 2020 Election For me, it’s hard NOT to think about the upcoming election… it’s today! However, this is a blog about autism. So, can I connect the two? Let’s try. How am I feeling about the election? Very nervous. I have disliked the current administration and I want them voted out. I…
Repeat Performance on Autism Live
Repeat Performance on Autism Live It was around this time last year that I first appeared on Shannon Penrod’s show, Autism Live. Shannon and I discussed how my husband and I first discovered our son’s autism, my short film, “Autism and Cake,” and how I advocate for my son. This second time, Shannon graciously discussed…
How an AutParent Handles Event Complaints
How an AutParent Handles Event Complaints My son attends gaming tournaments. He plays one game in particular, Super Smash Brothers Ultimate. Honestly, I don’t really know much about the game, nor do I have much interest in any video games. I can (sort of) watch one and (sort of) know what’s going on. I can…