2 mins read

Expert Advice About Pregnancy

When you get that positive test result confirming your pregnancy, a million questions are likely to flood your mind. With so many opinions, old wives’ tales and rumors, you may find expert advice to be your best source for answers. Seek out reputable advice and get the information you’ve been seeking.

26 mins read

Terms of Use

Introduction This Web Site is provided to you under these “Terms of Use” and any amendments or supplements to them that may be posted by Momenta, LLC (“Modern Mom”) from time to time (collectively referred to as this “Agreement”). Your use of this Web Site shall be deemed to constitute your consent to be bound…

3 mins read

The Best Love Match for a Pisces Woman

Women born in the last week of February and the first three weeks of March were born under the sign of Pisces, the fish. Pisces women tend to be characterized as imaginative and dreamy souls. If you are a Pisces, you may find that you have been unlucky in love before, perhaps because you were overly sensitive to your partner’s remarks or felt rejected by him. As a Pisces, you’ll do better in love if you stop letting the little things get to you and start looking for someone whose soul you can relate to.

2 mins read

How to Find a Long-Lost Love

Everyone has a long-lost love that she’d like to find, even if it is just to see how he turned out. A WowOWow poll reports that 60 percent of women aged 45 or older say they have searched online for a lost love. Fortunately, it’s easier than ever to find someone from your past. While you can probably dig up some contact information–an email address or a phone number–the most difficult part will be trying to decide whether to contact him.