Search Results for: conserve money
How to Conserve Water in Your Home
When you conserve water at home, you not only help protect and save the Earth’s resources, you save a bit of money as well. You will also teach your children a valuable lesson about using water wisely and taking care of the planet. While you can take extreme measures to conserve water, often it is the small steps, such as shaving a minute or two from your shower or checking faucets for leaks, that are all you need to do.
Tips to Save Money at Home
If it feels like your expenses are growing faster than your income, a few simple strategies at home may keep more money in the bank account. Cutting back to save money often brings to mind meals of Ramen noodles, lighting the room with candles or huddling together for warmth. While these extremes are always an option, less drastic strategies save money across different spending areas, adding up to a significant savings.
How Are You Celebrating Our Planet for Earth Day?
Sunday is Earth Day — how are you going to honor our planet? These tips will give you ideas on how to celebrate with your kids the green way!
How to Organize Your Cluttered Closet!
Organizing your closet like a celebrity is as easy as 1, 2, 3! Transform your master closet from a chaotic crisis situation: To a fashion fantasy: Your closet is how you start your day everyday. It should be a Zen space, not a torture chamber.
Ways for Kids to Help the Environment
From air pollution to global warming, environmental problems are a global issue. Children who are concerned about the environment can take action. While it may seem that small changes, such as bringing their school lunch in a reusable container rather than a brown paper bag, won’t make much of an effect, when many kids make small changes, the difference can be huge.