Search Results for: contemplation
Secret Powers of the Supermom
My 9-year-old son still believes I have super powers – which I do have, of course. Every mother has them.
My Vegan Journey Revealed
With all the talk about Oprah and her staffs 28-day vegan challenge, I thought it would be good to give some insight into my vegan journey, which began 6 years ago. I am the founder and creator of the raw, vegan, gluten-free snack food brand Hail Merry. I have passed through the worlds of being an omnivore, pescatarian, vegetarian, vegan, and high raw foodist and now I proudly consider myself a flexitarian”. Where I …
How Plato and Pythagoras Can Save Your Life by Nicholas Kardaras, PhD
While in the process of reading Discover the Power Within You by Eric Butterworth, a book that forever changed me, I received an email with the opportunity to review How Plato and Pythagoras Can Save Your Life by Nicholas Kardaras.
Can a Television Break Up a Couple?!
I loathe having a television in our bedroom. I don’t like to watch TV before falling asleep. I like to read. My bed partner, however, loves watching TV before bed and claims that he can’t fall asleep without it. That’s a hot steamy pile of turd, because on the few times when he didn’t watch TV, and instead read, he was out like a light in less than 10 minutes.
Fourteen Isn’t What It Used To Be
Yes, my oldest daughter texts, posts, and video chats. Yes, she is acutely aware of when it is “time” to freshen up the wardrobe with a few new pieces from the latest fashion trends. Yes, she often rolls her eyes at my “weird” behaviors. And yes, friends are at the top of her sharing list these days.