Search Results for: control assignments
How to Stay Organized in High School: Best Planners and Apps for Students
In this guide, we’ll explore some of the best planners and apps for students that can help them stay organized, plan efficiently, and set them up for success.
60 Back To School Must Haves
Forget about the same old school supplies! We’ve rounded up this year’s must-haves to kick the school year off right - and in style. Organizing & Accessorizing Blush Dream Desk Set by Poppin A perfect choice for the highly organized, this gorgeous blush Desk Set couldn't be easier to get it all together! The Set…
The Internet: Friend or Foe?
Recently, we had something happen to us, and we just had to share it. If youve been reading our blog, you know our three kids are all on the autism spectrum. This means they have trouble picking up social cues.
For Parents, Where’s The Line Between Helping and Hovering?
Should parents go online to check their kids grades and homework? The iconic overstuffed students backpack is quickly becoming a relic of the past and as a result, the way parents oversee their childrens progress in school will never be the same. Paperless Schools
Self-Esteem Activities for Youth
Low self-esteem leaves children option to many social and emotional problems, such as anxiety, difficulty making friends or the inability to handle problems. Several activities give kids a chance to build self-esteem to create more positive feelings about themselves. Increasing self-esteem gives kids more security, purpose in life, responsibility and self-control. These activities work well in a group setting, such as classrooms or youth groups.