Search Results for: cooking
6 Ways For Dads To Help Kids Establish Healthy Cooking Habits
It's a sobering fact of modern life that most young couples with children are under a lot of time pressure. More often than not, both mother and father have to juggle their stressful jobs with finding enough time and energy for some home life and, particularly, time with their children. This can put a lot…
How to Treat a Cooking Burn
You’re preparing dinner for the family when you accidentally grab a hot pot without a potholder, or boiling water splashes onto your hand while you’re draining the pot of pasta. A cooking burn will most likely be either a firs-t or second-degree burn where only the first or second layers of skin are injured. You can treat small burns like these at home, but see a doctor if the burn is over 2 inches in size or is on your face.
Kitchen Must-Haves To Make Holiday Cooking Easier
As the holidays rapidly approach, we all spend a lot more time in the kitchen and running around. Here are a few items to make your life a little easier! This is a must-have for anyone who makes brownies- it's the Red Copper Brownie Bonanza which allows you to spread batter, bake, and create even brownies. It's seriously A-mazing! By…
Cooking With Young Children
Cooking with young children proves beneficial in many ways. Children learn about measurements and learn to follow a specific set of directions. Cooking provides bonding time for parents and kids. It can even result in a lesson on cause and effect when the recipe doesn’t turn out quite right. Young children might eat more types of food when they help cook them. Children as young as eighteen months can assist with adding ingredients and stirring the mixture, making it an ideal activity for the entire family.
Benefits of Cooking and Eating With Your Kids
Cooking with your kids is not just about having fun, entertaining them so they’re not bored, or encouraging them to help out around the house. (Although it does all of these things!) Cooking with your children also teaches them the importance of eating foods that are healthy for their growing bodies and minds, and shows them that it’s easy (not to mention fun!) to cook food rather than throw a pre-packaged meal in the microwave. Remember, teaching them these important lessons now sets them up to maintain a healthy lifestyle later in life!