2 mins read

Birth Control Pills and Fertility Treatment

Different types of birth control methods allow couples to minimize the possibility of an unplanned pregnancy. Birth control pills discourage conception in several ways, depending on the hormonal ingredients. Although fertility normally returns shortly after stopping the pill, some women may experience difficulty getting pregnant. In some instances, infertility treatments increase the chances of conception.

3 mins read

A Treatment for Infertility

You may want to have a baby more than anything else in the world right now. But, despite repeated attempts, you and your partner have been unable to get pregnant. Fortunately, several infertility treatments exist that address a wide variety of fertility problems. You might have difficultly ovulating, a low sperm count or conditions such as endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome.

3 mins read

What Are the Treatments for Anal Warts?

Caused by human papilloma virus (HPV), anal warts, also known as condyloma, are growths affecting the skin around the anus, in the anal canal or in the lower rectum. Sexual contact is usually how you would get anal warts. Anal warts may affect the male (penis or scrotum) or female (vagina or labia) genitals. Having anal warts can cause discomfort, irritation, bleeding, itchiness and difficulty in bowel movements. Choosing the proper treatment depends on the location, number and size of the warts.

3 mins read

Natural Treatment for Baby Eczema

Eczema is an increasingly common disease in infants and small children. According to the National Eczema Association, over two decades the number of infant eczema cases has more than doubled. Eczema now affects about 10 percent of infants. While the exact reason for the increase is unknown, many dermatologists include pollutants, modern cleaning products and chemical preservatives among the chief suspects. In reaction to the perceived chemical threat, many parents want natural treatments for their children’s eczema. Finding the right natural treatment means understanding a little about the cause and progress of eczema.