Search Results for: decent personal
Indecent Exposure: My High School Dress Code Infraction
When I was in high school in the late 80s, we had a strict dress code that included no shorts, no skirts shorter than your fingertips when your arms were extended straight down, no hats, no halter tops, and if I am not mistaken, no tank tops. Any student that did not abide by these dress codes set forth by the school was sent home immediately.
How to Achieve Balance
If pressed to name only one thing for which modern moms are not given enough credit, I’d say it’s their circus skills. At a minimum, mothers regularly find themselves juggling the emotional and physical well-being of one or more children; ringleading a household and all activities occurring within and without; playing the clown for an…
Help! My House Is Overrun By Baby Gear
The truth is, babies don't actually need all that much. If you think about the work of a baby -- eat, sleep, poop, repeat -- the items required to accomplish those tasks are pretty minimal. So, where does all the excess stuff that fills the homes of new parents come from? Most of the items…
Top Father’s Day Gift Ideas
Searching for the perfect Father’s Day Gift Idea? Don’t despair -- we’ve got you covered! Since we know that shopping for him can sometimes be a challenge, and you never want to get stuck buying him a generic gift, we’ve hand-picked over 20 different gifts for every kind of dad and budget. MyPhoto GlassPad - Add…
Autism and Organizing for Finals – Part Two
In my last blog I explained how my child with autism now prefers to get ready for finals. Luckily, he accepted my suggested approach to start early and spread out the work. How does his high school organize finals? His high school divides finals up by periods. The school works on a regular six period…