3 mins read

9 Tips For A Better Back-To-School Experience

I love to tell childhood stories about my now independent, hard-working, world traveling 23-year-old. Hard to believe she’s the same child that screamed the entire walk to school every morning and sat on my lap for two hours at birthday parties. My Brooklyn neighbors would stand on their front porches waving, smiling, and silently encouraging me to carry on. My kid was a clinger and did not want to go to school. She held my leg so tightly and screamed so loudly I wanted to cry. And this was only kindergarten evaluation day.

4 mins read

The Shadow Effect by Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford & Marianne Williamson

Part of the human experience involves dealing with the shadow. I believe the shadow exists to help us learn important life lessons and grow. The fact that we understand deep unconditional love and compassion stems from our ability to relate to the shadow in others. It gives us the opportunity to let go of judgement and allow pure love to erupt from our soul, even in the hardest and most challenging circumstances.

2 mins read

Deep Acne Scars

Most people will experience an acne breakout at one time or another. The most common skin condition in the United States, it afflicts up to 85 percent of all teenagers, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Acne is not limited to teens: People of all ages can have a breakout. While acne is not a debilitating or life-threatening condition, it can have serious emotional repercussions, particularly when it results in deep, unsightly scars.

4 mins read

5 Tips For Crafting Your Massage Experience

It’s been two weeks and I am still brooding over the last massage I received. It was awful and it was all my fault! I want to help you avoid this disappointing and potentially painful experience. I have been a Massage Therapist for over seven years and have been privileged to work with some of the best in the business. I have received massages that have sent me around the moon, to another world and back. I have had excruciatingly deep sports massage that while at the time, uncomfortable, afforded me tall posture, nimble muscles and a clear head in the end. I know massage. And I know better than to walk into a place I have never been and let my new therapist take the reins.