2 mins read

Baby Food Weight Loss Diet

Diet fads come and go. The “baby food diet” is one that has been making the rounds. Supposedly, Hollywood stars like Reese Witherspoon and Marcia Cross eat jars of baby food instead of real food, helping to curb their appetites and keep their figures trim. You may be tempted to follow the same type of diet. After all, opening a jar of baby food is significantly easier than cooking a healthy meal. Unfortunately, this diet may not be all that it’s cracked up to be.

3 mins read

Rosemary Essential Oil & Hair Loss

Hair loss can be defeating. You notice bald spots in the mirror, and watch clumps fall down the drain in the shower. It’s not comforting to see your hair fall out and your bald spots grow. However, you can take comfort in the promises of rosemary essential oil. This sweet smelling, soothing essential oil may encourage hair growth and encourage your spirit in the midst of hair loss.

3 mins read

Surgeries for Weight Loss

Obesity does more than make it difficult to purchase clothing. It puts you at a significantly higher risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer. It is important to know that several types of weight loss surgery are available. Working with your doctor and armed with a basic foundation of each surgery, choose the one that works best for you.

7 mins read

How to Recover Financially and Emotionally After Losing Your Home in a Wildfire

How to Recover Financially and Emotionally After Losing Your Home in a Wildfire

Los Angeles is the birthplace of ModernMom.com, and it’s been heart-wrenching to see so many suffering in our community. 

When a natural disaster strikes, the financial losses are staggering, but as moms, our first concern is often for our families. How do we explain this to our kiddos? How do we support our partners while holding ourselves together? How do we even find the strength to ask for help when we feel like we need to do it all? How are we going to get through this? It’s all so overwhelming.