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We Have to Stop Clothes-Shaming Teens for Showing Too Much Skin
Last week, my take on young girls, high heels, and bikinis generated a lot of dialogue – ok, mostly disagreement – from my fellow moms. So it seems worth it to dig into this topic again. Heres a sampling of what other moms wrote:
Choosing the Right Birth Facility
As an expectant mother, you probably daydream about the moment you will actually meet your baby for the first time. What he or she will look like? How will it feel to hold that tiny miracle in your arms for the first time?
What’s Up With Basketball? Get “The View” On The NBA Lockout
We’re all used to Elisabeth Hasselbeck tackling political issues on the popular talk show The View, and we’ve seen her many a time get heated during discussions on hot topics.But this week we got a glimpse of the sporty chick side of Elisabeth Hasselbeck and co-host Sherri Shepherd.
My Kids Can’t Afford Me!
Morning routine:kids demand breakfast. Mommy complies to the demands with some negotiation of fruit mixed in. Mommy empties the dishwasher while preparing and serving breakfast. Kids are seated and eating at the table. Mommy jaunts down the hall to throw some laundry in the washing machine, while trying not to trip over objects that have already made their way to the floor. The floor is probably magnetic!
ModernMom Chronicles: Chapter Twenty Two
After the kids are asleep, she corners Michael in the kitchen and says, About the puppy. Heather, he says, there is no need to make any rushed decisions. We have the whole weekend.