2 mins read

Warning Signs During Late Pregnancy

As your body nears the end of your pregnancy, your mind will turn to the practical matters that need to be completed before your baby makes her arrival into your family. Preparing the nursery, the nesting instinct of cleaning your home and making lists of things to do and people to contact when your labor begins all help take your mind off the changes in your body and perhaps the discomfort that comes with carrying a near-term baby. While you make your necessary plans, it’s important to keep in mind a few warning signs that may occur during late pregnancy.

14 mins read

February Astrology

The early February planetary lineup in Aquarius, along with a Libra moon and Jupiter in Gemini, makes for a lot of air which inclines towards verbosity – but of course with many innovative and original ideas bandied about, so typical of Aquarius. This preponderance of refined air, the label attached to Aquarius, IS technologys true Homeland.