3 mins read

Dietary Guidelines

This is article is a sponsored post for Nestl Pure Life. Want to live better and feel better? It’s easy to get on the right path to a healthy lifestyle by making small changes to your daily routine. Simple adjustments can make all the difference!

4 mins read

What Is Recommended for Reducing Dietary Cholesterol?

While you can’t control the cholesterol your body naturally produces, you can control the amount of cholesterol you add to your body by the foods you eat. Not all cholesterol is bad for you. HDL, or good cholesterol, is like “the garbage truck of the bloodstream,” because it carries cholesterol away from your arteries and back to the liver for disposal, according to the Harvard School of Public Health. Bad cholesterol, or LDL, carries cholesterol from the liver to the rest of your body. Too much of it creates plaque, which clogs the arteries and limits blood flow. When the plaque breaks apart, you can suffer a heart attack or a stroke.

3 mins read

My New Realization About Food Privilege This Thanksgiving

As we approach Thanksgiving, we’re all reminded that this time of year is all about feasting. Families, friends, and communities all join together to EAT. I’m also reminded of all the good I see in my community around food insecurity during this season. My girls’ hockey league is passionate about empowering their players to learn…