Search Results for: difficult tasks
Difficulty Losing Weight After Pregnancy
Many moms dream of returning home from the hospital with their new baby and slipping right back into their skinny jeans. This dream, while understandable, is far from reality for many moms. In most cases, the process of returning your body to it’s former glory is a long one that will not take place overnight. If you have been fighting the battle of the bulge since the birth of your child, consider some of the things that may be contributing to your difficulty and how you can effectively overcome these weight-loss challenges.
Tricks for Dealing With a Difficult Child
Raising children requires a heart of gold and nerves of steel. Although you knew your child would go through stages, knowing how to deal with them may have you pulling out your hair. Even healthy, well-adjusted children present parenting problems from time to time. A difficult child can be difficult to communicate with and frustrating to tolerate. Finding effective ways to discipline your difficult child can be tricky. You can overcome many parenting challenges by showing your child you love him and encouraging a good relationship.
Prenatal Yoga That Fits You
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Confucius
Craft Ideas for a Kid’s Birthday Party
Forget the clowns and video games when you’re planning your child’s birthday party. Instead, build the party around a craft activity. Whether you choose a simple, cut-and-decorate craft, such as paper plate masks, or throw a tie-dye T-shirt bash, each party guest will go home with a one-of-a-kind party favor, and your child will have a birthday party to remember for years.
Help Your Child Through Disappointment
One of the most difficult moments Ive experienced as a parent is watching my child go through the feeling of disappointment. Witnessing the long sad face, red eyes, and tear-stained cheeks are almost as challenging to go through as the pain of giving birth! My first reaction was always to be overwhelmingly protective (the mama lion is on the prowl!) and wanting to find the person responsible and make them pay.