7 mins read

Building a House From the Ground Up

My husband and I have been talking forever about building a house from scratch. We bought the house were in now twelve years ago, before we had children. Its a great house, and its served us well, but weve outgrown it.

4 mins read

7 Cheap Ideas for Family “We Time”

Yes, we often emphasize how mommies need their me time. But, of course, family we time should never be overlooked. Its so important to spend time together as a family, whether you have one kid or 10! Here are seven ideas to get you started on your path to family fun. Remember, a family that plays together stays together! 1. Have a Picnic and Play Day

3 mins read

Auld Acquaintance

An innocent little buzzing noise came from the center console. We had been on the road home from Christmas with my in-laws for a whole four hours, and my mother-in-law was sending me a text. She does that- she likes checking in. One look at the message and my heart dropped to my feet. "Lice,"…