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How to Stop Breastfeeding
Breast-feeding is the absolute best way to feed your baby. When the time comes to wean your baby from your breast, it can be a difficult process. However, with a few tips and tricks and a little persistence, you can get it accomplished. The goal of this article is to explore the tried and true methods for weaning the baby from the breast and stopping your own milk production.
How to Handle Hormone Hell During Pregnancy
So many mothers-to-be have told me just how unprepared they were for the emotional side of pregnancy. The physical effects were obvious enough, but apparently not everyone knew that the crazy hormone cocktail the pregnant body is continually swilling can momentarily propel even the most relaxed, jovial mommy-to-be into …
Managing the Shared Custody Shuffle
Every other weekend, one night a week, summer vacation, alternating holidays… does this sound familiar? Welcome to the language of custody arrangements.
From Mayweather to Ray Rice: Decoding Sports Media’s Bias Against Women
The past year in many ways has been a very good one in our country’s fight to end violence against women. Last fall, there was intense outcry following the release of the elevator video showing Baltimore Raven’s running back Ray Rice punching his then fiancée. Following that watershed moment, President Obama and Vice President Biden…
Celebrate the Season, Blended Family Style
With the holiday season firmly upon us, its time to start thinking about how to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas. And there’s definitely a lot to think about: Whose house will you travel to? Will your family come to you? Who will make dinner? Who will be invited?