5 mins read

Homemade Fruity Greek Yogurt

The following recipe was originally published on RebelGrain.com.Visit the website for more great ideas and cooking tips!One thing that drives me absolutely crazy is flavored yogurt. Why? Because its junk masquerading as healthy for us.Yes, I said it: JUNK because flavored yogurt is filled with sugar and other nonsense we have no need of. Im not totally against sugar, butI like to keep it in its …

2 mins read

4 Creative New Year’s Eve Party Ideas

Skip the small talk, the same ol’ ball dropping countdown, and any embarrassing games spontaneously introduced by an uninvited neighbor. Instead, plan ahead for some entertaining and drinkable activities that will make your party one to remember. Champagne Bar

4 mins read

Bananas: The Best Disguise For Healthy Veggies

We’ve all met them or at least heard of them – kids who are picky eaters. Does this scenario sound familiar? You’ve slaved over the stove to cook a healthy, nutritious and tasty meal. But your children turn up their noses and announce, “I don’t like it, Mommy!” before they’ve even bothered to taste it. Once the food is on the table, said children gag over each bite and spend the rest of the meal trying to escape in hopes of Mommy caving in and making the requisite fall-back – the infamous peanut-butter and jelly sandwich.

3 mins read

Healthy Breakfast Ideas for School Kids

Your children need to eat breakfast to get a jump-start on their day and to keep them alert and energized through lunchtime. Yet, mornings aren’t exactly your children’s favorite time of the day, and you often have to focus more on getting them out of bed and out the door, rather than putting healthy fuel in their stomachs. When it comes to weekday morning breakfasts, think quick, healthy and portable.

3 mins read

Green Tea Beauty Benefits

Green tea is a natural, drinkable beauty solution that women of all ages can luxuriate in, whether as a cup of tea in the morning or as applied directly to the skin. Beauty product manufacturers embrace the beauty benefits of green tea by adding it to their products. Green tea and green tea extracts can be found in everything from eye cream and lotion to toner and face wash.