2 mins read

Advice for Men in a Divorce

While your wedding day may hold visions of bliss and future happiness, your divorce may leave you wondering why you ever decided to get married. Divorce affects men and women differently, depending on their individual circumstances, economical security, emotional differences and parenting roles. As a man contemplating divorce, you may wonder what to expect and what you can do to minimize the impact of this difficult experience on yourself and your children.

3 mins read

Surviving Divorce for Women

Sometimes, life throws curve balls. Divorce can be a very difficult time for many women. Many women experience high levels of stress over worries relating to living arrangements, finances, employment and children. Regardless of your marital relationship, spiritual beliefs, economical standards, divorce can create a hurdle in your life. Adjusting to current changes, as well as letting go of future dreams and goals, can seem almost insurmountable at times. Surviving your divorce means dealing with day-to-day issues, setting realistic goals and focusing on positive changes.