5 mins read

Autism verses Neurotypical Embarrassment

Autism verses Neurotypical Embarrassment I read an article recently from an autistic adult who wrote about how neurodiverse people learn neurotypical social skills…and should they? How much do they need to know? Where’s the point when the neurodiverse gets to be the neurodiverse? Is it always appropriate that neurodiverse people (for this blog I discuss…

9 mins read

8 Tips For Raising Girls with Confidence

I grew up in a picturesque suburb of New York City. By all outside appearances, I had it together: confident, carefree, and a natural leader.  I went to college, built a high profile career in the media industry, got married, and had children. Then I had a daughter. The second I heard “it’s a girl,”…

6 mins read

Is My Child Being Bullied? How Do I Help?

When I walked in to my daughter attempting suicide due to extreme bullying, I was horrified and heartbroken. Most of all, I was surprised and felt guilty that I had missed that anything of this magnitude was happening in her life. Bullying has been around forever, heck, I was bullied as a kid, but bullying…

3 mins read

Teen STD Testing

While the thought of your teen engaging in behavior that could result in the acquisition of an STD is likely enough to keep you up at night, it’s important to realize teens can and do get them. If you believe your teen has engaged in risky behavior, an STD test may be a wise choice. A test for sexually transmitted diseases will prompt immediate treatment and ensure she doesn’t suffer from the ill-effects of the condition in the future.