3 mins read

Emotional Development of Adolescents

The emotional development of adolescents seems ever more complex in a changing and challenging world. With new ways of communicating with one and another and the ability to remain in close touch with parents, or to “turn parents off,” adolescents pose a challenge to themselves and those who care about them.

1 min read

David Beckham’s Emotional Farewell [VIDEO]

Legendary athlete David Beckham bid an emotional farewell on Saturday to the sport that has made him a household name for more than two decades. The soccer star (or football, as it’s known in the rest of the world), played his final home game for Paris Saint-Germain on May 18 after announcing his retirement last week.

3 mins read

Emotional Development in Babies

During their first several years of life, babies learn not only how to handle their own emotions, but also how to read emotions of others. This emotional development occurs naturally and slowly, as the child becomes more in tune with the world around him and aware of stimuli in his environment. As your child moves through this developmental process, he will become even more responsive to you and aware of the world in which he lives.

3 mins read

Emotional Difficulties in Adoptees

For adoptees, exit from one family and entrance into another can create an array of emotional challenges. This major life change can lead to challenges both in the years immediately following the adoption as well as in the future when the adoptee attempts to delve deeper into who he is and forms relationships with others.