4 mins read

What are Woman Sexual Health Enhancers?

Call it desire, vitality or libido–a women’s sexuality enhances her life in many ways. At times, you may want help in restoring or kindling a healthy interest in sex. That’s a perfectly normal way to feel. The stress of daily living, relationship problems, even physical woes can affect your libido. Fortunately, you can take positive steps to enhance your sexual health.

2 mins read

Side Effects of Herbal Breast Enhancement Pills

Thanks to author Judy Blume and her coming-of-age book, “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret,” many teen girls grew up chanting, “We must, we must, we must increase our bust!” Women with big chests are often the envy of those stuck in an A-cup. In frustration, small-breasted sisters will go to great lengths for a well-endowed chest, including herbal breast enhancement pills. Unfortunately, these pills can have adverse side effects that might not be worth the bigger bra.

3 mins read

Top Ten Ways to Feel Sexy As a Mom of Small Kids

Most moms of small children feel as asexual as a paramecium.  Strangely, this does not prevent their husbands from wanting sex. As a couples therapist, I want your marital sex life to grow as wild and uncontrollable as the mint plants that are now taking over my entire yard.  Also I want it to be equally leafy and fragrant.…

3 mins read

Why Should We Eat Organic Food?

Organic foods cost — on average — 20 percent more than their non-organic counterparts. If you are looking to increase the nutritional value of the foods you serve your family and to decrease the chemical additives in the foods your family eats, paying the additional cost for organic foods may be worth it.