4 mins read

10 Best Foods to Build Muscle

There’s a lot of information out there about high-protein diets and how to build muscle by including more protein in your diet. However, not all sources of protein are created equal. Some protein sources will also fill you up with excessive calories and saturated fat. Stock your pantry with the foods listed below and make them essential components of your meals and snacks. You will give your muscles what they need without contributing to your fat stores.

2 mins read

Vitamins for Tiredness in Women

For moms, it can be a challenge to keep up with kids. Once your baby begins walking — and don’t forget running — keeping up can become more of a challenge. Being tired can complicate the matter even further. While you can’t bottle your child’s energy, you can find vitamins designed to help you combat tiredness. Be sure to review your plans to take vitamins with your physician.

4 mins read

Different Foods to Eat During Pregnancy at Different Stages

Proper nutrition is one of the pivotal considerations in maintaining a healthy pregnancy. While your baby is undergoing rapid development and growth, your own body is changing at an alarming rate, nurturing not one, but two people. Ideally, your pregnancy diet should consist of a wide range of healthy foods, but certain stages of pregnancy call for extra doses of specific nutrients.