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6 Ways For Dads To Help Kids Establish Healthy Cooking Habits
It's a sobering fact of modern life that most young couples with children are under a lot of time pressure. More often than not, both mother and father have to juggle their stressful jobs with finding enough time and energy for some home life and, particularly, time with their children. This can put a lot…
How To Establish Clear Policies For Your Teen’s Tech Use
Technology has transformed our world so thoroughly that our kids cannot imagine life without gadgets. They expect to have access to these devices 24/7, but their expectations aren’t always realistic.
How to Establish Healthy Exercise Routines in Children
The American Heart Association recommends 60 minutes of daily physical activity for children. This does not have to be all at the same time — you can split it up into several sessions. Children aren’t likely to follow a typical adult’s exercise schedule. Instead, you should look for activities that are fun for your child. When you form fitness habits from a young age, your child is likely to continue them throughout his lifetime.
Finding Farewells, New Beginnings, and Potential for Teens This Fall
Did you hear about the October Theory Challenge for teens on TikTok this fall? The challenge is similar to setting New Year’s resolutions — it encouraged social media users to make big life changes and dive deep into self-reflection. The idea was for teens to reset goals and create new momentum before the year’s end.…