Search Results for: etiquette
Autism and On-Line Etiquette
Autism and On-Line Etiquette My son is an on-line gamer. Recently, he’s been playing this Risk-like game that takes place in Europe and can be a multi-player game. He likes doing the multi-player because he can occasionally get a player or two from Europe. The game can have up to thirty players at a time.…
Mom Manners: Etiquette Tips for the Pool and Playground
As families everywhere say goodbye to school schedules, we are primed and ready for the lazy days of summer. But before packing up our bathing suits and sand-buckets, its important to lay down a few etiquette ground rules to guarantee enjoyment and safety for all. Nothing is more upsetting than a child (or parent) not playing by the rules or disrespecting someone elses property. We have enough stress to contend with during the school year, so everyone appreciates a little extra thoughtfulness during the summer.
Teaching Our Kids Tech Etiquette
You may remember that a few months ago I wrote about how my babysitter broke up with me via text message. I thought I was finished with teenagers and their poor tech etiquette, but apparently, this is the new world we live in and unless somebody does something, Im destined – were all destined – to be plagued by it forever.
Yes, There is Such Thing as Hashtag Etiquette
With millions of users sharing information and photos on social media every day, it can be an overwhelming task to make sense of it all. Because of the sheer volume of data being shared, Twitter users began using hashtags – the # sign before key words in their tweets – to help others find their posts.
Etiquette Training: Outdated or Totally Necessary?
For the final event of the school year, my daughters Brownie troop hosted a mother-daughter tea, at the home of one of the girls in the troop. Now, this would have been lovely, except that the tea was not just any old tea. This tea was being billed as an etiquette lesson, and was to be led by an expert in etiquette and manners. Oy.