Search Results for: eventually enable
Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom: How Personal Growth Strengthened Their Love
In a candid interview on the Call Her Daddy podcast, pop star Katy Perry delved into the details of her relationship with actor Orlando Bloom, including their brief breakup in 2017. The pair, who first met at the Golden Globe Awards in 2016, have since weathered ups and downs that eventually led them to their current strong and stable relationship. But it wasn’t always smooth sailing.
Parents: Just Because We Can Doesn’t Mean That We Should
A few weeks ago, during a conversation about the ways in which technology has infiltrated our lives, someone suggested that I watch a particular episode of Black Mirror, the Netflix series that is billed as the updated version of The Twilight Zone. In the episode, a mom, frightened when her preschool daughter wanders off from…
Protecting Kids From Sexual Abuse
As mothers, we often teach our young children about Stranger Danger and how to deal with the creepy man down the street. We instruct them on how to react to the man in the car who offers them candy or what to say to the person on the other end of the phone asking if their mommy or daddy is home.
Myths about Autism – Part Three
In this blog, I'm continuing to debunk myths about autism. Myth #12: They'll all loners I have known many children on the autism spectrum who want to have friends. They desire to be around their peers, but they lack the social skills that will enable some peers to accept them. When they get rejected, they…
Put Your Money To Work!
Seems like every time I turn around one survey after another is asking me about my income. Even my church seems to care how much money I make! I find it amusing that not once in the past 43 years have I ever been asked how much money I save. And at the end of the day isnt that a more relevant number? Its time to stop thinking only about the amount of …