2 mins read

Next Step for a Young Adult with Autism

Next Step for a Young Adult with Autism What comes after high school for many young adults? College! Is my child going to college? Yes. Our child decided, with our input, to attend our local community college for the two-year degree, and then go to a four-year school. Why did he make this decision? First,…

6 mins read

A Boy With A Dream So Big It Changed The World

"I want to tell people that you can make a difference in the world. Anytime you want.” Dylan Siegel, 10 years old The following is a true love story – of love between friends, a mom’s love for her son, and a boy with a dream so big it changed the world. Of all the…

4 mins read

Parents: Just Because We Can Doesn’t Mean That We Should

A few weeks ago, during a conversation about the ways in which technology has infiltrated our lives, someone suggested that I watch a particular episode of Black Mirror, the Netflix series that is billed as the updated version of The Twilight Zone. In the episode, a mom, frightened when her preschool daughter wanders off from…

4 mins read

10 Life Lessons I Want To Pass On To My Daughter

I look at my little girl, who is now three years old, and I cant help but marvel at how fast time is flying by. My daughter is getting big. She is a very happy and healthy preschooler. She has not a care in the world. My husband and I are lucky that we can provide her with all of her needs. For that fact, I am very grateful.