Search Results for: existence teachers
Who Can’t Make A Simple Sheet Ghost Costume? (Me.)
One of the most important things I know about myself is that I am a creative person, but I am not a crafty person.
My Grandma’s Golden Rule
My ninety-two-year-old grandmother has given birth to a lot of babies. She had babies in the 1930s, 40s, 50s, and 60s. She was collecting the baby bonus and old-age pension at the same time. Grandma is as wise as she is old so when she talks, this humble creator of five babies drops everything and listens.
How Can We Keep Kids From Cheating in School?
For older generations, studying involved a trip to the library and poring over several tomes of information. Now, thanks to the Internet, students have quick research tools like Google and Wikipedia. That should mean that there is less work for them to do in order to find the information they need. If that’s the case, shouldnt studying be a simpler task for this generation? Shouldn’t kids be less likely to cheat in order to get ahead? Unfortunately, not so much.
Grieving and Bullying: Difficult Realities In The Special Needs World
Here at there are many families who have had to deal with the idea that normal will never be part of their lives. This is usually a process of grieving and acceptance of a different type of life. Some may start the process feeling like they are losing a dream or will be missing something they thought they would always have. This is not easy and we wanted to give some insight as to how families deal with this and that through this grieving process, often families find a new form of normal tha
The Shadow Effect by Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford & Marianne Williamson
Part of the human experience involves dealing with the shadow. I believe the shadow exists to help us learn important life lessons and grow. The fact that we understand deep unconditional love and compassion stems from our ability to relate to the shadow in others. It gives us the opportunity to let go of judgement and allow pure love to erupt from our soul, even in the hardest and most challenging circumstances.