5 mins read

Four Ways to Avoid the Money Traps at the Supermarket

Dont Be a Supermarket Zombie Its 5:45 p.m. on a Friday. You are exhausted from the week and have just one more stop before home and the controlled chaos of movie night with your family. You simply need milk, paper towels, fancy cheese for your husband couldnt he be more specific just once and the specialty fish sticks for your finicky fourth grader. Easy right? Youll be in and …

4 mins read

The Pancake Pen Makes Breakfast Extra Fun

Offering pancakes in the shape of Mickey Mouses face at restaurants is a brilliant marketing ploy. I know this because I have kids, and my young boys somehow gloss over everything else on the menu to fixate solely on the Mickey Mouse pancake option. And although its only one pancake (and its on a menu that offers multiple servings of pancakes!), they opt for that specific one with the ears. Why? Not the taste. Not the price. Not even the generous layer of whipped cream.

3 mins read

Deceptive Marketing in Kids’ Food Can Fool Parents Too

Studies have been out for years reflecting on the numerous amount of food advertisements that consumers are bombarded with everyday, most of which market extremely unhealthy products. More importantly, advocacy groups continue to debate the vast number of ads that are directed towards children encouraging sugary, fatty foods through enticing and clever commercials. Kids are easily swayed to choose food based on how they are packaged.

3 mins read

How to Play the Stock Market for Beginners

Playing the stock market is one part of an investment strategy that gives you a sense of having some control over your money. Keep some money in an interest-bearing savings account and invest another portion of your money in the stock market. Give yourself time to understand the basics of investing and save the more complicated features of brokerage accounts, including buying on margin, for when you are more comfortable with stock market investing.