7 mins read

Too Old For Training Wheels!

Maybe Im old fashioned, but I feel that there are certain basic, life skills that all people should acquire during childhood. For example, tying shoelaces would be one of them. So would cutting food with a knife and fork. Also, the theme of my post today, learning to ride a bike. Oh, Lord.

5 mins read

Potty-Training Creates Memorable Moments

One of the perks of coming from a big family is that I am blessed to have so many nieces and nephews. My youngest brothers are in the midst of potty training their children and watching them work at it brought back so many memories. It seems like only yesterday that I was potty training my youngest. I swear with my first one I had her potty trained by the time she was 16 months old, but by the time number six came along I was a little more laid back. As another birthday approached for Finn, I decided that I needed to step it up and get him out of diapers. I tried everything.

5 mins read

The Adventures of Potty Training

One of the perks of coming from a big family is that I am blessed to have so many nieces and nephews. My youngest brothers are in the midst of potty training their children and watching them work at it brought back so many memories. It seems like only yesterday that I was potty training my youngest. I swear with my first one I had her potty trained by the time she was 16 months old, but by the time number six came along I was a little more laid back. As another birthday approached for Finn, I decided that I needed to step it up and get him out of diapers. I tried everything.

3 mins read

Toddler Sleep Training

Getting your toddler to settle down for a night of sleep presents a challenge for many parents. While sleeping may seem like an instinctive skill that your child should develop naturally, in truth, sleep training is often required to produce a toddler who is able to sleep all night. If you are desperate to improve the length and quality of your child’s nightly slumber, a few basic sleep training activities will provide her with the skills needed to sleep with success.

2 mins read

5 Ways to Make a Potty Training Chart

One of the most popular tools to use during potty training–besides the potty itself–is a potty training chart. A potty training chart provides a concrete way for you and your child to track potty training progress. You will want to create a chart that reflects your specific goals and methods for potty training. Post the chart near the potty for easy reference.