Search Results for: extreme cardio
The Health Benefits of Drinking Kombucha
Kombucha is a drink with an age-old recipe originating in the far east. The Chinese referred to it as the "Immortal Health Elixir." In recent years, Kombucha has become popular with the health conscious looking for an alternative to fizzy drinks packed with artificial sweeteners and red dye whatever! At first glance, you might just…
Tips to Taming Springtime Food Flings
The Valentines are still gobbling up the last of their sweet treats. Cmon Mommies, who can’t resist those yummy chocolate marshmallow hearts? Even I can admit that!
8 Easy Ways to Be Happy
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth. – Pharrell Williams A lot has been made in our culture about how to be happy. Pop stars sing about it. Ivy League professors lecture about it. Best-selling authors write about it. “Positive psychology” has become a popular field for researchers exploring the roots of…
Five Tips For Healthy Food Habits
Around New Years, lots of people get great big pie-in-the-sky dreams about getting in super good shape, but it’s really difficult to keep up with a dramatic diet or extreme exercises regimen.
8 Easy Ways To Be Happy in 2015
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth. – Pharrell Williams A lot has been made in our culture about how to be happy. Pop stars sing about it. Ivy League professors lecture about it. Best-selling authors write about it. “Positive psychology” has become a popular field for researchers exploring the roots of…