5 mins read

10 Ways to Turn Fitness into a Family Affair

The following is a guest post by Brant Secunda and Mark Allen Does obesity run in the family? According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, if one parent is overweight, there is a 50 percent chance that their children will also be overweight. But when exercise becomes a family affair, everyone wins!

5 mins read

23 Ways to Fight Fair with Your Husband

Thirty years of marriage counseling and 25 years of a second marriage have convinced me that couples do not need to fight; they need to discuss. Married couples need to solve problems, and sometimes they need to disagree, but they don’t need to squabble, argue or bicker. Fights are dramatic, a dynamic that does not really help a discussion. If you have enough energy to create drama, you have more than enough to tone it down into a discussion. However, because social expectations and mythology are so strong (fighting is often glorified in films and on television as a sign of passion), many of my clients want guidelines for “fighting fair.” I’ve developed a set of Fair Fight Guidelines you may find helpful.

13 mins read

Sprinkles of Joy: A Delightful Baby Shower Celebration

Welcoming a new baby is a magical time, and what better way to celebrate this joyous occasion than with a beautiful baby shower? From the glittering decorations to the heartwarming moments shared among loved ones, a baby shower is a wonderful opportunity to sprinkle a bit of joy into the expectant mother’s life.

7 mins read

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas + What She REALLY Doesn’t Want

Mothers truly embody dedication, working tirelessly around the clock without breaks, sick days, or pay. According to Investopedia, stay-at-home moms might log an average of 98 hours per week, equivalent to an annual salary of $178,000 if they were compensated for their extensive roles. And let's be fair, most of us, I think, would be…