Search Results for: family obligations
Tips on Organizing a Family Reunion
Closely knitted families should make it a point to have a reunion every year. Aside from the usual Thanksgiving or Christmas holidays, there should be a separate day for families to get together to have fun, eat good food and strengthen the bond that holds them together. Organizing a family reunion can be a challenging undertaking, but proper planning and execution can make it a successful one.
Mood Changes in Elderly Women
While symptoms that include mood swings in younger women may be due to hormonal fluctuations, career pressure and family obligations, mood swings in older women often have different causes. The later stages of life affect individuals differently, depending on personal circumstances such as relationships and health issues. Mood swings in elderly women can be a symptom of an underlying illness.
About Eco-Friendly Living
Eco-friendly living is on the rise, ranging from recycling and reusing to making better food choices and building green structures. Even small changes can make a big difference in not only reducing your impact on the environment but also making your home a healthier place. Between work, personal and family obligations, making time to live a greener life can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be impossible or even time consuming.
5 Ways to Plan a Sleepover
Before firming up any plans for a sleepover party with a child or teen, set a limit for the number of children invited to sleep over. Limiting the number of kids will make the party easier to handle and will keep down the costs of the sleepover. Remember that some guests may be able to attend the party but will not be allowed to stay for the sleepover due to curfews, family rules or early morning family obligations. On the invitations for any sleepover party request that guests bring a pillow, a sleeping bag, pajamas and slippers. Include any details about when kids should be picked up the next day.
Are You Bored? Because I’m Not.
July may be National Anti-Boredom Month (?), but today’s modern mom is anything but bored. The latest Motherly State of Motherhood Survey shows that moms aren’t feeling weary because we’re not interested in our activities. Instead, we’ve got too many activities going on, and we’re feeling weary from sleep deprivation! According to the survey, nearly…