2 mins read

Girls Can Play Fantasy Football Too!

Its that time of year againback-to-school, you’re thinking?? Nope, not for this girl. I’m talking about football season!!! And I know what a lot of you are thinking: “Ugh. Sundays with my husband sitting on the couch all day, not helping while I am stuck entertaining the kids. And lets not forget about fantasy draft nights aka parties that last for hours, and all the wasted hours on the computer spending time checking out his many fantasy teams.”

6 mins read

Why My Son Will Never Play Football

My 17-year-old son has always been a sports-first kind of boy. We have a Polaroid of him holding a basketball before he could crawl. He took his first steps on Superbowl Sunday – because he was trying to get as close as possible to the TV screen. Poker is a sport in his view, because…

8 mins read

I Am WAY Celebrating The Return Of Football Season

A reply to Amy Weitman’s I am NOT Celebrating the Return of Football Season I enjoyed your article on the beginning of football season. I really did. It was funny and I understood your pain, and can guarantee that my wife can relate on almost every example. Now let me shed a little light on why you should be more understanding and supportive of your husband, who also happens to be one of my best friends. Perhaps it will make things better, perhaps it will make you more frustrated. Either way, I am happy to try.

5 mins read

I am NOT Celebrating the Return of Football Season

Excuse me, but am I the only woman not celebrating the return of football season? Today the NFL lockout ended and now the loss of my husbands mind begins. Somehow weve been lucky enough to make it through fourteen football seasons together but I always fear that this year will be the last.

6 mins read

Explaining Bill Cosby to Kids

My job is to write and speak about the complexity and impact of violence against women. This means I talk, almost every day, about stories people would rather avoid. The Bill Cosby rape allegations were naturally something I recently wrote about, and discussed in radio and TV interviews. Often when tackling tricky subjects in public,…