2 mins read

Watermelon: The Miracle Skin-Saver!

After winter, our skin yearns for moisture and replenishing. Watermelon is a great skin saver, with its 93% water content and its multi-vitamin combination of vitamins A, B6 and C. It will not only hydrate your skin, but also repair and protect your skin for the coming sunny months. The following are recipes for utilizing watermelon to bring vibrance back to wintery skin and to prepare for the sun: For Dry Skin

2 mins read

Vitamin F Skin Care

If you need a little positive spin on your diet, you can start referring to fatty acids as Vitamin F. Fatty acids are as essential to your health as nearly any other vitamin or mineral and can be vital to vibrant healthy skin. Instead of worrying about the fatty acids in your diet, start to call them Vitamin F, the skin-care advocate.

3 mins read

Vitamins for Skin Care

No matter your age or station in life, smooth, clear, firm skin is one of the hallmarks of beauty. Glowing skin reflects a combination of healthy diet and careful skin care. The best skin care routine is a simple one, says Dr. David Leffell in his book, “Total Skin.” Wash once a day with a non-soap, and rinse once a day with plain water–no soap. In addition, eat a proper diet that includes vitamins to provide the building blocks your body needs to create and maintain healthy skin cells.

3 mins read

Easy Skin Care for Women

A report from market research company Packaged Facts estimated that the skin-care industry would be worth $7.2 billion annually by 2010. If you were to listen to all the ads trying to sell “essential” skin products to women, from “gentle” face washes to anti-aging super-serums, you could spend your entire day doing nothing but taking care of your skin. Skin care really doesn’t have to be that complicated.