7 mins read

How to Recover Financially and Emotionally After Losing Your Home in a Wildfire

How to Recover Financially and Emotionally After Losing Your Home in a Wildfire

Los Angeles is the birthplace of ModernMom.com, and it’s been heart-wrenching to see so many suffering in our community. 

When a natural disaster strikes, the financial losses are staggering, but as moms, our first concern is often for our families. How do we explain this to our kiddos? How do we support our partners while holding ourselves together? How do we even find the strength to ask for help when we feel like we need to do it all? How are we going to get through this? It’s all so overwhelming.

6 mins read

Girl Gangs: Why Women With Posses Have the Edge

Over 20 years ago, the night my first marriage ended, I spent hours dialing the phone. My husband had beaten me unconscious, Id given statements to the police in my wrecked living room, and then Id driven with my dog to City Hall to file a restraining order at midnight. But when I got back home at 2 am, bruised ribs and glass cuts on my face, the first thing I did was make several calls, all of which were as important to my survival as the police, a locksmith, a divorce lawyer, and a good therapist.